Population Foundation of India works across the
country through regional offices located in Bihar
and Uttar Pradesh. Our main office is in New Delhi.

Bihar State Office
Set up in 2005, Population Foundation of India’s Bihar office has played an important role in outreach, training and strategy programmes across the state. Population Foundation of India has a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the State Health Society Bihar (SHSB) to provide technical support on family planning, community action, adolescent health and social and behaviour change communication. In addition, we have been appointed as the state nodal agency for Community Action for Health (CAH).
Our field presence extends to 13,401 villages (30 per cent of total villages in Bihar), across 12 districts of the state.

Youth leaders have audited more than 200 health outreach sites and Adolescent Friendly Health Clinic (AFHCs)
Using the Advance Family Planning (AFP) approach, we have strengthened inter-departmental coordination and action to increase access and coverage of family planning services through District Working Groups (DWGs). The DWG is a multi-sectoral group convergence model that brings together district-level representatives from various government departments and civil society organisations. The group was set up to prioritise quality family planning services by increasing ownership and accountability at the sub-national level through systematic planning and monitoring.
The programme was implemented in the six districts of Bihar, namely Araria, Gopalgunj, Jehanabad, Kishangunj, Sheohar and Siwan. This led to significant change, including the following:
- Initiation of injectable services in 85 percent of health sub-centres
- Operationalisation of fixed day IUCD (Intra-Uterine Contraceptive Device – a method for spacing pregnancies) services at Additional Primary Health Centre/Health sub-centres
- Establishment of family planning corners with trained counsellors in block Primary Health Centres
- Regular year-round services for sterilisation to break seasonal spikes that could compromise the health of clients.
Strengthening access and quality of family planning services
In line with the National Health Mission’s strategy, Population Foundation of India strengthened capacities and empowered Panchayats and Village Health Sanitation and Nutrition Committees (VHSNCs) to increase demand and monitor the availability of services at health facilities. The programme is being implemented in the five districts of Bihar, namely Araria, Darbhanga, Gaya, Nawada and Samastipur. It led to better health service delivery, including an increase in the range of antenatal care services, regular counselling and distribution of family planning supplies, regular functioning of sub-health centres and primary health centres, among others.
Community mobilisation and monitoring of reproductive health and family planning services
We have built knowledge on Adolescent Reproductive and Sexual Health (ARSH) and capacities to monitor the delivery of the Rashtriya Kishor Swasthya Karyakram (RKSK-National Adolescent Health Programme) among over 8000 young people across 2 districts, i.e. Darbhanga and Nawada. The youth interacted and advocated with the Honourable State Health Minister, Executive Director-SHSB, District Magistrates and Civil Surgeons leading to initiation of Adolescent Friendly Health Clinics (AFHC) at 8 Primary Health Centres, streamlined distribution of iron-folic acid tablets, health checkups and counselling for adolescents and representations of young people at Village Health Sanitation & Nutrition Committees (VHSNCs).
Building agency among young people to advocate for ARSH services
PFI has partnered with the government’s policy thinktank NITI Aayog and Piramal Foundation to accelerate progress on health and nutrition interventions in aspirational districts using behaviour change communication and community action. The initiative presently covers 24 blocks of Begusarai and Sheikhpura districts.
Helping accelerate health and nutrition interventions

Nawada and Darbhanga get functional Adolescent Friendly Health Clinics
Eight Adolescent Friendly Health Clinics (AFHCs) are operationalised at block Primary Health Centers (PHCs) in Darbhanga and Nawada. Around 2000 adolescents availed services from January 2019 till July 2021.
Sehat Center
State Health Society Bihar (SHSB) in collaboration with Bihar State AIDS Control Society (BSACS) and Population Foundation of India has established Sehat Kendra in 28 colleges of Bihar. The Sehat Kendra will act as a safe space for the college students to discuss, deliberate and create widespread awareness on a range of issues pertaining to their health needs and entitlements. Subsequently, we supported in developing the branding guidelines, reference manual and ToT for operationalization of Sehat Kendras.

COVID Mitigation Response
Population Foundation of India has been nominated in the state COVID-19 vaccine management steering committee to support the SHSB in planning and rolling out vaccines in Darbhanga and Nawada districts. The field teams work closely with the Block Development Officer and Block Pramukh’s from the Panchayati Raj Department on the constitution of COVID Management Committees (CMCs) to streamline the mitigation work at the ground level in Darbhanga and Nawada districts. 555 CMC members are oriented on local planning, testing and isolation protocols, community sensitization and mobilisation for vaccination.
- Religious leaders were briefed and roped to propagate the adoption of COVID appropriate behavior and addressing vaccine hesitancy.
- 48 community isolation centers were established by the CMC members to isolate and provide basic care and 18 private vehicles were identified for emergency transportation.
- CMC members mobilized 19,809 individuals for vaccination and 4242 for COVID testing
Contact us
Population Foundation of India
123 A, 1st Floor, Patliputra Colony
Patna-800 013, Bihar
T: +91-61-2227 0634