What We Do
Our Programs approach family planning and reproductive health as a means to overall social wellbeing for people, particularly women and young people.
PFI addresses population stabilisation within the larger discourse of empowering women and men, so that they are able to take informed decisions related to their fertility, health and well-being. PFI’s programmes work through multiple approaches that provide women the choice to plan their reproductive health, improve the quality of services, and promote innovations in resource mobilisation, community participation and addressing social norms.
Community Action places people at the centre of health programmes, ensuring that the needs and rights of the community are being fulfilled. It empowers communities to participate and regularly monitor the progress of the health schemes and interventions in their areas, thus contributing to the strengthening of services and bringing public to public health.
PFI uses Social and Behaviour Change Communication to inform and challenge social norms. We pioneered entertainment education in India, working simultaneously with multiple media such as film, TV, radio, internet and print. Today, PFI leverages innovative communication technologies to motivate behaviour change and make a difference.

Impact/ Behavior Change Communications
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